Fr. Symbiose "living together and interdependently." Symbiosis is a term of biological origin that refers to the coexistence of more than one species and means the beneficial and close interaction of different organisms and groups in favor of each other.
Just like all biological organisms, humans have social, psychological and industrial relationships with other people for a variety of reasons. To sustain life, to cope with changing and harsh conditions, to cooperate and cooperate and to integrate with each other in a complementary way in communication ensures the development and continuity of their skills.
When we adapt the concepts of mutualism, commensalism and neutralism from symbiosis to human societies, we can come up with a social analysis. Just as in nature, the similarity of human character and behavior in social organizations can be truly astonishing.
I tried to express this multicultural degenerate philosophy of symbiosis with a humorous line. Every facial expression and color reflects symbiont individuals in various cultures